Vue.component('header-1', { delimiters: ['[[', ']]'], data: function () { return { } }, template: `
Available racesPassenger InformationSeat selectionOrder informations
` }); Vue.component('header-2', { delimiters: ['[[', ']]'], data: function () { return { } }, template: `
Available racesPassenger InformationSeat selectionOrder informations
` }); Vue.component('header-3', { delimiters: ['[[', ']]'], data: function () { return { } }, template: `
Available racesPassenger InformationSeat selectionOrder informations
` }); Vue.component('header-4', { delimiters: ['[[', ']]'], data: function () { return { } }, template: `
Available racesPassenger InformationSeat selectionOrder informations
` }); Vue.component('step-btn', { delimiters: ['[[', ']]'], props: ['step', 'destination', 'is_added', 'next_text', 'prev_text', 'passengers'], data: function () { return { } }, methods:{ show_next: function(){ console.log(this.passengers.length, this.passengers) if(this.step==0 && this.destination){ return true; } if(this.step==1 && this.is_added){ return true; } if(this.step==2 && this.destination.passengers.length && this.passengers.length == this.destination.passengers.length){ return true; } if(this.step==3){ return true; } return false; } }, template: `
[[prev_text]] [[next_text]]
` }); Vue.component('step-price', { delimiters: ['[[', ']]'], props: ['step', 'computed_price'], data: function () { return { } }, template: `
` }); Vue.component('step-data', { delimiters: ['[[', ']]'], props: ['date', 'destination', 'passengers_size', 'seets'], data: function () { return { } }, template: `
` }); Vue.component('step-1', { delimiters: ['[[', ']]'], props: ['loading', 'destinations', 'is_full_added'], data: function () { return { } }, mounted: function(){ }, template: `
Enter the user information to continue User account
` }); Vue.component('step-2', { delimiters: ['[[', ']]'], props: ['passenger', 'index', 'passengers'], data: function () { return { user: { name: '', cart_id: '', gender: 1 } } }, mounted: function(){ $('.selectpicker').selectpicker(); }, watch: { passenger: { handler: function() { this.$emit('newdata', []); }, deep: true } }, template: `
` }); Vue.component('step-3', { delimiters: ['[[', ']]'], props: ['structure', 'passengers', 'seets'], data: function () { return { element_id: '', } }, mounted: function(){ $('.seet_number').tooltip('hide'); }, methods: { select: function(col, seet){ this.$parent.select_seat(col, seet); // console.log(55) }, gender_name: function(gender){ return this.$parent.genders_name[gender].slice(0, 1); }, get_seat_text: function(col){ for(i=0; i 0 && col.seat_no*1 < 5){ return this.$parent.genders_name[0].slice(0, 1); } return col.seat_no; }, }, template: `
Seats must be selected within 5 minutes!
Otherwise, the transaction will be canceled!
selected seat
free seat
` }); Vue.component('step-4', { delimiters: ['[[', ']]'], props: ['destination'], data: function () { return { } }, mounted: function(){ }, methods: { gender_name: function(gender){ return this.$parent.$data.genders_name[gender]; }, remove_passenger: function(event){ this.$parent.remove_passenger(event); this.$parent.prev_step(event); } }, template: `
If within span class="tickets_time">5 minutes the payment is not made, the order will be canceled!
Sifarişi ləğv et
Full name of the passenger[[]]
Identity documentŞ.V. [[passenger.cart_id]]
Gender / Type[[gender_name(passenger.gender*1-1)]]
` });